Friday, 23 January 2015

Pricing of the Recipe book

For me to produce one book £7.69
(including VAT)
HOWEVER if produced in bulk, say 40/50 books price would be around £3.00

Average price for recipe book £5.00 - £12.00 
(depending on the popularity of book, and how many were order at once, meaning that the price would be less as production cost would be lower, but the author would still make a profit as they are able to sell book at lower price, making it more affordable for the customer)

So for me to get a profit from selling this book, I would need to double the price of production, at least, making the price of the book £6. 
HOWEVER if wanted them to be sold in book store, the store would take around 30% profit from every book sold. In turn would mean that I would only get around £1 profit. 

So then I would make my price around £8 or £9 
This would mean that I would get a reasonable profit from the selling of this book.

HOWEVER would the audience of this book be WILLING and ABLE to buy this book at this price?

Tuesday, 13 January 2015

Book Layout-Final outcome

For my final outcome for this project, I am going to use 5 of my best shoots to create an art book using iPhoto album maker. 

In this book will be the preparation photos on the left page in a grid, and then the best final outcomes from each shoot on the next two or three images. 

Here are some examples of the layouts that will be in my food book. 

These layouts are my favourite as the angles of each final image are different but effective, giving different vantage points of the food. Also the grid of the preparation images work well, as they show each step of the making of the cupcakes. 

At the beginning of the book I plan to write a little paragraph about the book, what it can be used for, etc. 
"This is a pictorial recipe book of food, that shows one how to make different types of food. As well as this, it can also be an art book, for one to look at and be inspired by and for the book to be aesthetically appreciated by people who love food."

Photo Shoot 13

 The preparation photographs:

This shoot went alright, however it is not my best shoot as the contrast is very defined. Some of the images worked better than others due to the angle at which the images were taken, also due to the main focus of the image. 

And the best images from this shoot:

These images worked alright, again, not as good as some of my other shoots because the images aren't as strong. This is because there is not as much contrast between the lightest and the darkest areas of the images, and the colour. However there is a good contrast between the layers of the main subject, showing the texture as well. 

Photo Shoot 12

Mince Pies
Here are the preparation images, in black and white:

These preparation photos worked well because of the contrast between the lightest and the darkest parts of the images. Also the shallow depth of field works well here as it focuses on the main subject of the image. 

Here are the  best final images from the shoot:

These images worked well because of the texture, contrast, and shallow depth of field. All these components make up a strong image. Also the angle at which the images were taken, help make the images stronger and more interesting. 

Photo Shoot 11

Christmas Cookies
Here are the preparation photographs:

These worked well due the angles at which I took the images, and the contrast between the lightest and darkest parts of the images making them more intriguing to look at.

Here are my best images from this shoot:

I think that this shoot worked really well because of the contrast in colour between the light green and dark green, also between the icing sugar, biscuit and the background. These visual elements make the images stronger because they make them more eye catching and intriguing. 

For my next shoot I plan to photograph a food that has layers within it, that is noticeable to make the images more interesting.